Sunday, December 27, 2009

What have I gotten myself into?

I'm pretty much a blog virgin, and at this point I'll gladly admit it. I've never been to the Perez Hilton blog even though it's probably the first mainstream blog to come to mind when I hear the word. There are a few that I read on a somewhat regular basis, but they are more business related as they're from companies I purchase products from. In fact, they kinda tricked me as I wasn't even aware that I was necessarily reading a blog. I guess I thought they just wanted to make finding new products and company information a little more indirect than just having a storefront. With this said, my only true blog influences have been through LoveSac, The Hundreds and Fuct. My favorite one of these is The Hundreds as it's updated the most frequently and covers a lot of events besides the company that interest me. The LoveSac blog comes in second as it's more brand related and not updated regularly. The Fuct blog I scroll through quickly as it's mostly pictures, although I like the artistic view and the underbelly side of society it portrays.

These blogs make sense to me as ultimately, the writers have something to sell and are creating a brand image. They're also successful so even when they write about their personal life (and they really don't get that personal), it's interesting because they're traveling somewhere cool, doing something interesting or just hanging out with a large group of people at an event of some sort. I don't have this same interesting lifestyle and am not selling anything so who would want to read about my day at the office?

So this morning I've been browsing the web for other blogs to get an idea of what I'm supposed to be doing. The first blog I found was The Real Housewives of Collins County. While this sounded like it was going to be a group of women hoping to get discovered for a television series, I was immediately sucked in by the 50's pin-up style image at the top of the page with the mild sexual insinuations. As I started to read the blog, I quickly noticed how angry the writer was and how she spoke so uncensored. She mentioned early in the post that she was going through a divorce so I understood the anger but this wasn't going to help me create my blog. I don't think I'd follow any of the blogs I mentioned above if they were posted about negativity all the time. Why add more stress to my life? Hopefully even the worst television stations will ignore this one.

One of the next blogs I found was Dummy Essentials. This blog says that it will provide solutions to computer related problems in a simple and interesting manner. I use tech forums frequently when I have an issue so I thought this might be a gold mine for me. Well, I'm not sure if my expectations were too high or if this blog was unnecessary. The blog has very limited information so if I were looking for a solution to a problem, this wouldn't be my first stop. Also, when I do need to find something, I just use Google. I think that I can safely say that if I were to Google a problem, this site would not be one of the suggested sites with a solution. Even the 'solutions' shown on the blog aren't very detailed or easy to follow, so I'm not sure I would use this as my guide to install Windows 7 on a computer running Windows XP.

Another tech blog I found was Apple Trend. I'm a Mac guy (and a Windows guy and a Linux guy) and am always ready to learn more about upcoming Apple products, or ways to get more out of the ones I already own. Honestly, after Dummy Essentials, I wasn't expecting much and that was a good thing. While the blog seems to be updated frequently and has some interesting information, it's not easy to follow. Does this make sense without reading it several times?

"Google assures, that company Apple has rejected Google application Voice for iPhone while Apple says, that this appendix has not been rejected, and simply is in a studying stage. Such situation has developed, at least, by the end of August when both companies have answered inquiries of the Federal commission of the USA (FCC), however and till now Google Voice it is impossible to find out in shop App Store."

or this?

"So, according to in the first three of the most demanded as a gift of laptops there were models Apple. The statistics of sales returns on the earth: first two lines divide Toshiba Satellite and Acer Aspire, and twice more expensive MacBook Pro is pushed aside on the third position. "

This may be because the owner is not from the US, maybe English isn't their first language, or maybe they just dropped out, but it takes too much effort to follow. So again, I'll just use Google.

I found many more blogs in my brief search. Some were product reviews from people I've never heard of (so why would I trust their opinions?). Some offered recipes, some vacation scrapbooks, some about music, other hobbies or interests. I'm sure if I looked hard enough I could find a blog on just about anything.

I'm not sure if this blogging thing is my cup of tea. It seems like there are paid journalists and then there are bloggers. Before the internet was around I suppose these bloggers socialized in diners and bars sharing their views. But in a Facebook and Twitter world where people feel that what they have to say, or updating all their friends with their daily events is important, I guess I better keep up. And blogging seems like a less intrusive way to do that. What will I write about? I guess I'll have to wait and see. Hopefully I'll update frequently, as those seem to be the most interesting blogs.

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