Side note: It's the week between Christmas and New Years and work is so slow and boring. There's nothing to do and even if there was, I wouldn't feel like doing it during a four day work week. I can start all the non-deadline, tedious work after the new year, right?
Anyway, back to the post:
So in discussing what type of blog I want to create (discussing what to discuss), I've discovered that technically, you can write about anything. After all, I've already written one and a half blogs about what to blog. So now it seems that during anything I do, with anyone that knows about this blog, I hear 'you can blog about it'. It kinda reminds me of that Apple commercial that says 'there's an App for that'.
If I were to blog about everything I did yesterday (thus turning my blog into my personal twitter), here's how it would look:
Woke up and watched Public Enemies on DVD. Ok, actually fell asleep during the movie.
Headed to Blockbuster and returned Four Christmases on DVD. Walked over to the mailbox and sent back Notorious that I rented from Netflix then to Giant to return the RedBox DVD's Terminator Salvation and Night At The Museum 2. I rented a lot of movies for Christmas. The Redbox was busy. As I waited in the long line in front of the machine I realized the advantage that Blockbuster had over Redbox (even though it's much more expensive). Unlike in Blockbuster, I knew that another Redbox machine wasn't going to walk over and help get the line moving. There also wasn't anyone to complain to if I felt the need.
After Redbox, I headed to Best Buy in the same shopping center to return a couple things. I expected the return line to be long with only a couple cashiers processing returns. I've dealt with Best Buy too many times before to expect any more.
Wow! Best Buy was a mess. They had one long line and only one customer service rep. There was a second girl who was doing returns in between helping dot com customers but there were a lot of dot com pick-ups. Luckily, I was prepared for it and didn't mind the wait. The lady behind me? Not as prepared. She started yelling for more help asking if there was anyone else to help then screaming for a Manager. When the Manager arrived, they got into it. It didn't help that another Manager (or Supervisor) also walked up with an attitude. This sparked the guy behind her to join in also. He got really heated and when the Manager suggested that 'you shouldn't have come to do a return two days after Christmas if you didn't want to wait in line' he responded by yelling 'you're the ones not prepared, you only have one return clerk two days after Christmas!'. He then stormed out waving his return in the air and screaming. It was a shame because right after he left, the customer at the checkout was finally done and the line started moving really fast, even though the Manager didn't actually do anything.
So now I'm at Burger King. This place is busy! The entire parking lot is full and people are circling around it looking for a spot. The playroom is reserved for a birthday party and it must be for one of the Obama kids because I don't know who else could draw this crowd. The inside of the restaurant is packed with screaming kids everywhere. I don't see many adults. There is only one table available in the very back corner of the dining room. I settled in and ate my steakhouse burger that I swear they made wrong. For one it had different types of cheese on each side. I had to get up and yell at a kid for hitting me with two spitballs during my meal. I couldn't find another adult to do it for me.
I just got home and I'm restless. I decided to go downstairs and try out the gym for the first time since I've lived here (or the first time I've been in a gym in my life). I've thought about trying out the gym before but let it pass. This time I think I was motivated knowing that 'I could blog about it'. Wishfully thinking I hopped on the treadmill and set it to the 'Alpine Trail' program with a max speed of 7mph and a max incline of 5. I set the time for an easy 20 minutes. Five minutes later after jogging at 7mph at an incline of 2 I desperately reached for the stop button. After a breather I got back on for a regular 1 mile lap at a nice walking pace of 4mph with no incline. I held a ten pound dumbbell in each hand and did reps when I could (about half the time). After the treadmill I did 10 bench presses then hopped on the bike. I rode that for about 20 minutes on 10 (the max setting was 12). When I was done with the bike I did 10 more presses and went back to my apartment. 45 minutes was enough gym time for my first visit.
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