Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year!
There was a time when I wanted to be in Times Square on New Years Eve. That time is not now. As I settle in to watch a movie then the celebration on TV, I just want my last blog post of 2009 to wish everyone a Happy New Year!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The Blizzard of 2009
It's been 10 days since the record 16.4" snowfall in the DC Metro area. It was the first time my car and scooters have seen snow.
I'll never really understand why everyone rushes to the supermarket when snow is forecast. Maybe I'm an exception to the rule (or maybe I just don't have kids) but I've always had enough food that should I need to, I could probably survive a week or so without leaving the house.
If you watch the news, they always suggest stocking up on bread, eggs and milk. Are you supposed to make french toast while you're snowed in? Judging by the shelves at the grocery store before the snowfall, I guess so.
I'll never really understand why everyone rushes to the supermarket when snow is forecast. Maybe I'm an exception to the rule (or maybe I just don't have kids) but I've always had enough food that should I need to, I could probably survive a week or so without leaving the house.
If you watch the news, they always suggest stocking up on bread, eggs and milk. Are you supposed to make french toast while you're snowed in? Judging by the shelves at the grocery store before the snowfall, I guess so.
Monday, December 28, 2009
My Dell 10v 'Hackintosh'
After stumbling across a Gizmodo article about how easy it is to modify a Dell netbook to run the Mac OSX operating system, I decided to give it a try. The netbook I was going to modify was currently running Windows 7, and running it pretty well I might add.
I didn't want to totally lose Windows 7 so I did a little more research and found that you can actually load multiple operating systems on one computer and select which to run when you turn it on. Given this option, who would want just one?
I decided I'd triple boot using Windows 7, Mac OSX and Linux Ubuntu. I've never used Linux and probably don't really have a use for it but it's free and something different so what the heck.
Luckily I didn't hear about this mod until it was already pretty popular so a lot of the trial and error had already been worked through. Following guides in a popular forum, the install went pretty smooth and before you knew it, I had a triple boot netbook. Now when I boot the computer, I can hit any key as it's loading and I'll have a choice of running any of the three operating systems. If I don't hit a key to get into the boot loader, it'll just default boot into Mac OSX.
I guess I didn't fully research the mod before I completed it as I wasn't aware that there where still some minor issues that they're finding fixes for. For instance, in one of the operating systems, the time will be off by 4 hours. If you fix it in one OS then boot into another, it will be off in the one you didn't fix. If you fix that one, it will throw off the other again. Another issue is that the sleep mode doesn't work in Mac OS. If the computer goes to sleep in this operating system, you only have about a 20% chance of it waking up. If it doesn't, you'll have to perform a hard shut down and then restart the computer. Supposedly there are some fixes for these issues that work for some people but they involve changing scripts in places that I'm not familiar with so I'll just deal with these until an easier, fool proof option is developed.
Overall, the system is great. No matter what operating system you're in, it runs like it was made to from the assembly line. You'd never know that two others were waiting and ready.
For the most part, I've been using Windows 7 because I don't have to worry about the sleep issue. If I know that I'll only be on for a short time or that I won't be taking a break and worrying about the computer going to sleep, I actually prefer Mac OSX. I use Linux when I don't have to do anything important, just to familiarize myself with it and play around. Linux is a nice looking OS and for basic tasks it's easy enough to figure out, but you can also tell that it's ready to perform more powerful functions if in the right, computer savvy hands.
The Dell netbook is a fun little machine and has made me find myself paying attention to where the wifi hotspots are. You know, somewhere I can take a break, grab a drink, update my blog and try to justify owning a netbook. In fact, trying to find an excuse to use this thing is one of the reasons I started this blog!
I didn't want to totally lose Windows 7 so I did a little more research and found that you can actually load multiple operating systems on one computer and select which to run when you turn it on. Given this option, who would want just one?
I decided I'd triple boot using Windows 7, Mac OSX and Linux Ubuntu. I've never used Linux and probably don't really have a use for it but it's free and something different so what the heck.
Luckily I didn't hear about this mod until it was already pretty popular so a lot of the trial and error had already been worked through. Following guides in a popular forum, the install went pretty smooth and before you knew it, I had a triple boot netbook. Now when I boot the computer, I can hit any key as it's loading and I'll have a choice of running any of the three operating systems. If I don't hit a key to get into the boot loader, it'll just default boot into Mac OSX.
I guess I didn't fully research the mod before I completed it as I wasn't aware that there where still some minor issues that they're finding fixes for. For instance, in one of the operating systems, the time will be off by 4 hours. If you fix it in one OS then boot into another, it will be off in the one you didn't fix. If you fix that one, it will throw off the other again. Another issue is that the sleep mode doesn't work in Mac OS. If the computer goes to sleep in this operating system, you only have about a 20% chance of it waking up. If it doesn't, you'll have to perform a hard shut down and then restart the computer. Supposedly there are some fixes for these issues that work for some people but they involve changing scripts in places that I'm not familiar with so I'll just deal with these until an easier, fool proof option is developed.
Overall, the system is great. No matter what operating system you're in, it runs like it was made to from the assembly line. You'd never know that two others were waiting and ready.
For the most part, I've been using Windows 7 because I don't have to worry about the sleep issue. If I know that I'll only be on for a short time or that I won't be taking a break and worrying about the computer going to sleep, I actually prefer Mac OSX. I use Linux when I don't have to do anything important, just to familiarize myself with it and play around. Linux is a nice looking OS and for basic tasks it's easy enough to figure out, but you can also tell that it's ready to perform more powerful functions if in the right, computer savvy hands.
The Dell netbook is a fun little machine and has made me find myself paying attention to where the wifi hotspots are. You know, somewhere I can take a break, grab a drink, update my blog and try to justify owning a netbook. In fact, trying to find an excuse to use this thing is one of the reasons I started this blog!
There's an app for that...
As I'm still in the beginning stages of admitting that I'm a blogger (acknowledgment is the first step I'm sure), I've only told a couple people about my new venture.
Side note: It's the week between Christmas and New Years and work is so slow and boring. There's nothing to do and even if there was, I wouldn't feel like doing it during a four day work week. I can start all the non-deadline, tedious work after the new year, right?

Anyway, back to the post:
So in discussing what type of blog I want to create (discussing what to discuss), I've discovered that technically, you can write about anything. After all, I've already written one and a half blogs about what to blog. So now it seems that during anything I do, with anyone that knows about this blog, I hear 'you can blog about it'. It kinda reminds me of that Apple commercial that says 'there's an App for that'.
If I were to blog about everything I did yesterday (thus turning my blog into my personal twitter), here's how it would look:
Woke up and watched Public Enemies on DVD. Ok, actually fell asleep during the movie.
Headed to Blockbuster and returned Four Christmases on DVD. Walked over to the mailbox and sent back Notorious that I rented from Netflix then to Giant to return the RedBox DVD's Terminator Salvation and Night At The Museum 2. I rented a lot of movies for Christmas. The Redbox was busy. As I waited in the long line in front of the machine I realized the advantage that Blockbuster had over Redbox (even though it's much more expensive). Unlike in Blockbuster, I knew that another Redbox machine wasn't going to walk over and help get the line moving. There also wasn't anyone to complain to if I felt the need.
After Redbox, I headed to Best Buy in the same shopping center to return a couple things. I expected the return line to be long with only a couple cashiers processing returns. I've dealt with Best Buy too many times before to expect any more.
Wow! Best Buy was a mess. They had one long line and only one customer service rep. There was a second girl who was doing returns in between helping dot com customers but there were a lot of dot com pick-ups. Luckily, I was prepared for it and didn't mind the wait. The lady behind me? Not as prepared. She started yelling for more help asking if there was anyone else to help then screaming for a Manager. When the Manager arrived, they got into it. It didn't help that another Manager (or Supervisor) also walked up with an attitude. This sparked the guy behind her to join in also. He got really heated and when the Manager suggested that 'you shouldn't have come to do a return two days after Christmas if you didn't want to wait in line' he responded by yelling 'you're the ones not prepared, you only have one return clerk two days after Christmas!'. He then stormed out waving his return in the air and screaming. It was a shame because right after he left, the customer at the checkout was finally done and the line started moving really fast, even though the Manager didn't actually do anything.
So now I'm at Burger King. This place is busy! The entire parking lot is full and people are circling around it looking for a spot. The playroom is reserved for a birthday party and it must be for one of the Obama kids because I don't know who else could draw this crowd. The inside of the restaurant is packed with screaming kids everywhere. I don't see many adults. There is only one table available in the very back corner of the dining room. I settled in and ate my steakhouse burger that I swear they made wrong. For one it had different types of cheese on each side. I had to get up and yell at a kid for hitting me with two spitballs during my meal. I couldn't find another adult to do it for me.
I just got home and I'm restless. I decided to go downstairs and try out the gym for the first time since I've lived here (or the first time I've been in a gym in my life). I've thought about trying out the gym before but let it pass. This time I think I was motivated knowing that 'I could blog about it'. Wishfully thinking I hopped on the treadmill and set it to the 'Alpine Trail' program with a max speed of 7mph and a max incline of 5. I set the time for an easy 20 minutes. Five minutes later after jogging at 7mph at an incline of 2 I desperately reached for the stop button. After a breather I got back on for a regular 1 mile lap at a nice walking pace of 4mph with no incline. I held a ten pound dumbbell in each hand and did reps when I could (about half the time). After the treadmill I did 10 bench presses then hopped on the bike. I rode that for about 20 minutes on 10 (the max setting was 12). When I was done with the bike I did 10 more presses and went back to my apartment. 45 minutes was enough gym time for my first visit.
Side note: It's the week between Christmas and New Years and work is so slow and boring. There's nothing to do and even if there was, I wouldn't feel like doing it during a four day work week. I can start all the non-deadline, tedious work after the new year, right?
Anyway, back to the post:
So in discussing what type of blog I want to create (discussing what to discuss), I've discovered that technically, you can write about anything. After all, I've already written one and a half blogs about what to blog. So now it seems that during anything I do, with anyone that knows about this blog, I hear 'you can blog about it'. It kinda reminds me of that Apple commercial that says 'there's an App for that'.
If I were to blog about everything I did yesterday (thus turning my blog into my personal twitter), here's how it would look:
Woke up and watched Public Enemies on DVD. Ok, actually fell asleep during the movie.
Headed to Blockbuster and returned Four Christmases on DVD. Walked over to the mailbox and sent back Notorious that I rented from Netflix then to Giant to return the RedBox DVD's Terminator Salvation and Night At The Museum 2. I rented a lot of movies for Christmas. The Redbox was busy. As I waited in the long line in front of the machine I realized the advantage that Blockbuster had over Redbox (even though it's much more expensive). Unlike in Blockbuster, I knew that another Redbox machine wasn't going to walk over and help get the line moving. There also wasn't anyone to complain to if I felt the need.
After Redbox, I headed to Best Buy in the same shopping center to return a couple things. I expected the return line to be long with only a couple cashiers processing returns. I've dealt with Best Buy too many times before to expect any more.
Wow! Best Buy was a mess. They had one long line and only one customer service rep. There was a second girl who was doing returns in between helping dot com customers but there were a lot of dot com pick-ups. Luckily, I was prepared for it and didn't mind the wait. The lady behind me? Not as prepared. She started yelling for more help asking if there was anyone else to help then screaming for a Manager. When the Manager arrived, they got into it. It didn't help that another Manager (or Supervisor) also walked up with an attitude. This sparked the guy behind her to join in also. He got really heated and when the Manager suggested that 'you shouldn't have come to do a return two days after Christmas if you didn't want to wait in line' he responded by yelling 'you're the ones not prepared, you only have one return clerk two days after Christmas!'. He then stormed out waving his return in the air and screaming. It was a shame because right after he left, the customer at the checkout was finally done and the line started moving really fast, even though the Manager didn't actually do anything.
So now I'm at Burger King. This place is busy! The entire parking lot is full and people are circling around it looking for a spot. The playroom is reserved for a birthday party and it must be for one of the Obama kids because I don't know who else could draw this crowd. The inside of the restaurant is packed with screaming kids everywhere. I don't see many adults. There is only one table available in the very back corner of the dining room. I settled in and ate my steakhouse burger that I swear they made wrong. For one it had different types of cheese on each side. I had to get up and yell at a kid for hitting me with two spitballs during my meal. I couldn't find another adult to do it for me.
I just got home and I'm restless. I decided to go downstairs and try out the gym for the first time since I've lived here (or the first time I've been in a gym in my life). I've thought about trying out the gym before but let it pass. This time I think I was motivated knowing that 'I could blog about it'. Wishfully thinking I hopped on the treadmill and set it to the 'Alpine Trail' program with a max speed of 7mph and a max incline of 5. I set the time for an easy 20 minutes. Five minutes later after jogging at 7mph at an incline of 2 I desperately reached for the stop button. After a breather I got back on for a regular 1 mile lap at a nice walking pace of 4mph with no incline. I held a ten pound dumbbell in each hand and did reps when I could (about half the time). After the treadmill I did 10 bench presses then hopped on the bike. I rode that for about 20 minutes on 10 (the max setting was 12). When I was done with the bike I did 10 more presses and went back to my apartment. 45 minutes was enough gym time for my first visit.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
What have I gotten myself into?
I'm pretty much a blog virgin, and at this point I'll gladly admit it. I've never been to the Perez Hilton blog even though it's probably the first mainstream blog to come to mind when I hear the word. There are a few that I read on a somewhat regular basis, but they are more business related as they're from companies I purchase products from. In fact, they kinda tricked me as I wasn't even aware that I was necessarily reading a blog. I guess I thought they just wanted to make finding new products and company information a little more indirect than just having a storefront. With this said, my only true blog influences have been through LoveSac, The Hundreds and Fuct. My favorite one of these is The Hundreds as it's updated the most frequently and covers a lot of events besides the company that interest me. The LoveSac blog comes in second as it's more brand related and not updated regularly. The Fuct blog I scroll through quickly as it's mostly pictures, although I like the artistic view and the underbelly side of society it portrays.
These blogs make sense to me as ultimately, the writers have something to sell and are creating a brand image. They're also successful so even when they write about their personal life (and they really don't get that personal), it's interesting because they're traveling somewhere cool, doing something interesting or just hanging out with a large group of people at an event of some sort. I don't have this same interesting lifestyle and am not selling anything so who would want to read about my day at the office?
So this morning I've been browsing the web for other blogs to get an idea of what I'm supposed to be doing. The first blog I found was The Real Housewives of Collins County. While this sounded like it was going to be a group of women hoping to get discovered for a television series, I was immediately sucked in by the 50's pin-up style image at the top of the page with the mild sexual insinuations. As I started to read the blog, I quickly noticed how angry the writer was and how she spoke so uncensored. She mentioned early in the post that she was going through a divorce so I understood the anger but this wasn't going to help me create my blog. I don't think I'd follow any of the blogs I mentioned above if they were posted about negativity all the time. Why add more stress to my life? Hopefully even the worst television stations will ignore this one.
One of the next blogs I found was Dummy Essentials. This blog says that it will provide solutions to computer related problems in a simple and interesting manner. I use tech forums frequently when I have an issue so I thought this might be a gold mine for me. Well, I'm not sure if my expectations were too high or if this blog was unnecessary. The blog has very limited information so if I were looking for a solution to a problem, this wouldn't be my first stop. Also, when I do need to find something, I just use Google. I think that I can safely say that if I were to Google a problem, this site would not be one of the suggested sites with a solution. Even the 'solutions' shown on the blog aren't very detailed or easy to follow, so I'm not sure I would use this as my guide to install Windows 7 on a computer running Windows XP.
Another tech blog I found was Apple Trend. I'm a Mac guy (and a Windows guy and a Linux guy) and am always ready to learn more about upcoming Apple products, or ways to get more out of the ones I already own. Honestly, after Dummy Essentials, I wasn't expecting much and that was a good thing. While the blog seems to be updated frequently and has some interesting information, it's not easy to follow. Does this make sense without reading it several times?
"Google assures, that company Apple has rejected Google application Voice for iPhone while Apple says, that this appendix has not been rejected, and simply is in a studying stage. Such situation has developed, at least, by the end of August when both companies have answered inquiries of the Federal commission of the USA (FCC), however and till now Google Voice it is impossible to find out in shop App Store."
or this?
"So, according to in the first three of the most demanded as a gift of laptops there were models Apple. The statistics of sales returns on the earth: first two lines divide Toshiba Satellite and Acer Aspire, and twice more expensive MacBook Pro is pushed aside on the third position. "
This may be because the owner is not from the US, maybe English isn't their first language, or maybe they just dropped out, but it takes too much effort to follow. So again, I'll just use Google.
I found many more blogs in my brief search. Some were product reviews from people I've never heard of (so why would I trust their opinions?). Some offered recipes, some vacation scrapbooks, some about music, other hobbies or interests. I'm sure if I looked hard enough I could find a blog on just about anything.
I'm not sure if this blogging thing is my cup of tea. It seems like there are paid journalists and then there are bloggers. Before the internet was around I suppose these bloggers socialized in diners and bars sharing their views. But in a Facebook and Twitter world where people feel that what they have to say, or updating all their friends with their daily events is important, I guess I better keep up. And blogging seems like a less intrusive way to do that. What will I write about? I guess I'll have to wait and see. Hopefully I'll update frequently, as those seem to be the most interesting blogs.
These blogs make sense to me as ultimately, the writers have something to sell and are creating a brand image. They're also successful so even when they write about their personal life (and they really don't get that personal), it's interesting because they're traveling somewhere cool, doing something interesting or just hanging out with a large group of people at an event of some sort. I don't have this same interesting lifestyle and am not selling anything so who would want to read about my day at the office?
So this morning I've been browsing the web for other blogs to get an idea of what I'm supposed to be doing. The first blog I found was The Real Housewives of Collins County. While this sounded like it was going to be a group of women hoping to get discovered for a television series, I was immediately sucked in by the 50's pin-up style image at the top of the page with the mild sexual insinuations. As I started to read the blog, I quickly noticed how angry the writer was and how she spoke so uncensored. She mentioned early in the post that she was going through a divorce so I understood the anger but this wasn't going to help me create my blog. I don't think I'd follow any of the blogs I mentioned above if they were posted about negativity all the time. Why add more stress to my life? Hopefully even the worst television stations will ignore this one.
One of the next blogs I found was Dummy Essentials. This blog says that it will provide solutions to computer related problems in a simple and interesting manner. I use tech forums frequently when I have an issue so I thought this might be a gold mine for me. Well, I'm not sure if my expectations were too high or if this blog was unnecessary. The blog has very limited information so if I were looking for a solution to a problem, this wouldn't be my first stop. Also, when I do need to find something, I just use Google. I think that I can safely say that if I were to Google a problem, this site would not be one of the suggested sites with a solution. Even the 'solutions' shown on the blog aren't very detailed or easy to follow, so I'm not sure I would use this as my guide to install Windows 7 on a computer running Windows XP.
Another tech blog I found was Apple Trend. I'm a Mac guy (and a Windows guy and a Linux guy) and am always ready to learn more about upcoming Apple products, or ways to get more out of the ones I already own. Honestly, after Dummy Essentials, I wasn't expecting much and that was a good thing. While the blog seems to be updated frequently and has some interesting information, it's not easy to follow. Does this make sense without reading it several times?
"Google assures, that company Apple has rejected Google application Voice for iPhone while Apple says, that this appendix has not been rejected, and simply is in a studying stage. Such situation has developed, at least, by the end of August when both companies have answered inquiries of the Federal commission of the USA (FCC), however and till now Google Voice it is impossible to find out in shop App Store."
or this?
"So, according to in the first three of the most demanded as a gift of laptops there were models Apple. The statistics of sales returns on the earth: first two lines divide Toshiba Satellite and Acer Aspire, and twice more expensive MacBook Pro is pushed aside on the third position. "
This may be because the owner is not from the US, maybe English isn't their first language, or maybe they just dropped out, but it takes too much effort to follow. So again, I'll just use Google.
I found many more blogs in my brief search. Some were product reviews from people I've never heard of (so why would I trust their opinions?). Some offered recipes, some vacation scrapbooks, some about music, other hobbies or interests. I'm sure if I looked hard enough I could find a blog on just about anything.
I'm not sure if this blogging thing is my cup of tea. It seems like there are paid journalists and then there are bloggers. Before the internet was around I suppose these bloggers socialized in diners and bars sharing their views. But in a Facebook and Twitter world where people feel that what they have to say, or updating all their friends with their daily events is important, I guess I better keep up. And blogging seems like a less intrusive way to do that. What will I write about? I guess I'll have to wait and see. Hopefully I'll update frequently, as those seem to be the most interesting blogs.
Walking on glass
It's two hours after midnight, two days after Christmas. I've just created this blog and am already experiencing 'bloggers block'. I'm confused... after all, what is correct blog etiquette? I posted a quick note (a blog post I suppose) about trying to come up with a name and web address for the blog and falling short. When am I supposed to post again?
Well I'm not sure what television show is on in the background right now but I just caught the end of a highlight about the Willis Tower in Chicago (formerly the Sears tower) and their new SkyDeck Ledge. Apparently the SkyDeck was a popular tourist attraction already, offering 50 mile views from the 103rd floor (1,353 feet up) of the Willis building, but in June of this year they've added four glass 'ledges' (more like boxes) that protrude from the building 4.3 feet so visitors can look straight down for never before seen views of the windy city. Apparently to get a similar view before the renovation you had to press your forehead against the glass which left a greasy situation for the person after you.
At first I wasn't impressed as it quickly reminded me of a similar attraction I had seen on TV a couple years ago. That one is a glass bottom 'Skywalk' that protrudes 66' out over the edge of a part of the Grand Canyon. To me, not having a roof and extending out much further, the Grand Canyon Skywalk was already favored if I was going to spend any of my vacation money. But after a closer look at the Chicago exhibit (and a few YouTube videos), I just may crack and consider the one at the Willis Tower also (pun intended). After all, these really are two totally different experiences as one overlooks one of the most beautiful, serene and yet well known American National Parks and the other offers a unique view of an equally well known, fast paced (dare I say average?) American city.
I just hope that the glass used at the Willis Tower is bullet proof after looking at some of the mugshots posted in the Chicago Tribune. The fact that the Tribune even has a section dedicated to these titled Mugs in The News with over 205 photos in two months is a little disturbing in itself. Here are a few that weren't the necessarily the scariest looking of the bunch but caught my eye:
What is he wearing? More like what events took place before this picture?
Defendant: Heber Gomez
(Chicago Police Department photo / December 6, 2009)Charge: Child endangerment and possession of a controlled substance
I think she may enjoy Coke, just not necessarily the soda...
Defendant: Nicole Zarei
(Chicago Police Department photo / December 6, 2009)Charge: Child endangerment and possession of a controlled substance
He should have been charged with possession (or being possessed):
Defendant: Jose Pesantez
(Chicago Police Department photo / November 11, 2009)Charge: Aggravated battery with a firearm
I had to leave you with at least one somewhat disturbing mugshot:
Defendant: Kaushik Patel
(DuPage County Sheriff's Office 2008 photo / November 18, 2009)Charges: Two first-degree murders
You know, on second thought I may just return to Niagara Falls and take a ride on the classic glass bottom boat The Maid of The Mist. After all, that was good enough for Marilyn Monroe.
Apparently I'm late to the party again...
When I set up my first e-mail address it never even occurred to me that my first selection wouldn't be available. It was even more of a surprise that after coming up with over a dozen more aliases, I'd still be stuck. After the first few that were taken I told myself that the employees of the provider must have already taken them. They must have had first choice, right? Towards the end I blamed it on the 'computer geeks'. I wasn't going to admit that I was just behind the times.
Now it's over 15 years later and I find myself in a similar situation. This time it's trying to select a web address for this blog. The only difference now is that when I'm told that the desired name is already taken, I can type the address in my browser and see who got it first. On many of these blogs, the last post made was between 2001 and 2004. This time I have no excuse.
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